At the event organized by Schwander Polska and TerraNova Energy on 5 July 2024, numerous international guests from politics, science and business were presented with the operation of the TerraNova®ultra pilot plant and promising new applications in the field of CO2...
European Union and Germany pave the way for CO2 removal from the atmosphere through Hydrothermal Carbonization
The future legal framework for CO2-capture and -storage will allow open competition for the most effective solutions. Hydrothermal carbonization of organic residues is already a proven, safe and energy-saving way of removing CO2 from the atmosphere. In addition to the...
Decarbonization of the cement industry: favorable cost and high effectiveness through HTC
The cement industry is one of the largest emitters of CO₂ globally. A 2022 paper commissioned by the European Cement Industry Research Association (ECRA) investigates different technologies and their impact on energy demand and CO₂ emissions for the sector on its...
Problematik Monoverbrennung – teuer, ineffizient und rechtlich fragwürdig?
In einer aktuellen Studie wird der Stand geplanter Klärschlamm-Monoverbrennungsprojekte in Deutschland kritisch hinterleuchtet und mögliche Alternativen aufgezeigt. Wird hier technologischer Fortschritt zu Lasten des Klimas und des Steuerzahlers ignoriert? Studie Dez....
TerraNova®ultra Hydrochar from manure complies with the latest European regulation for use as organic fertilizer
The European Union has adopted a new amendment to Regulation 1069 on animal by-products, e.g. manure or digestate from manure, to reach the so-called "end point" after which such products are exempt from the restrictions of this regulation and can be freely placed on...
TerraNova®ultra project for sewage sludge and biowaste in Poland
The municipality of Solina in the South-East of Poland intends to produce renewable fuel and fertilizer from bio-waste. TerraNova Energy together with its Polish partner Schwander Polska are developing the project documentation for the construction of a...
TerraNova recovered Phosphorous is best performing in comprehensive study of market available materials
On behalf of the German Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, the recovered phosphorus materials available on the market in 2021 were examined in plant tests. The TerraNova recovered phosphorus emerged as the...
Italy published end of waste criteria for HTC coal derived from sewage sludge
We are happy to announce that as first EU member state Italy released a standard to pave the way to real circular economy in the waste water sector. Standard UNI 11853:2022 defines certain quality criterial for Hydrothermal Carbonization of sewage sludge which allow...
TerraNova@ultra Phosphorous recovery presented at ESPP 2022
TerraNova®ultra is presented at the ESPP conference 2022 in Vienna, June 20. We will present how TerraNova®ultra achieves 60-80% Phosphorous recovery from sewage sludge, without upstream incineration. Come and gather together with other stakeholders of the...
TerraNova®ultra in Mexico City introduced by Nobel Price awarded Prof. Claudia Sheinbaum
We feel extremely honoured: Prof. Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, Major of Mexico City, scientist in Energy Engineering and former member of IPPC receiving the 2007 nobel piece price, introduces the TerraNova®ultra Hydrothermal Carbonization plant to the public:...
Studie belegt Vorteile der Hydrothermalen Karbonisierung ggb. Monoverbrennung von Klärschlamm
In dieser vielbeachteten Studie wird die Vorteilhaftigkeit der Hydrothermalen Karbonisierung von Klärschlamm auf Basis des TerraNova®ultra Verfahrens ggb. Monoverbrennungsanlagen dargelegt. Monoverbrennungsanlagen werden derzeit mit hohen öffentlichen Investitionen an...
Breakthrough Study – GHG emissions
HTC bio coal in soil - Breakthrough Study about bio coal derived by Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) in poor soils and related long term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 2-times less CO2 and 20-times less N2O emissions compared to direct application of organics...
Successful operation of TerraNova®ultra in Milano
Over several month in 2021 our team has successfully demonstrated the performance of our TerraNova®ultra process at the waste water treatment plant San Rocco in Milano/Italy. The HTC-coal will be used in a fluidised bed incinerator - waste heat will fully cover the...
Significant increase in energy production of controversial sewage sludge incineration plants through HTC technology
Pretreatment of sewage sludge with hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) significantly increases the energy production of sewage sludge incineration plants and can also be flexibly adjusted seasonally. A recent study by the engineering firm Umwelttechnik & Ingenieure...